

BASF CAMPAIGN: Nothing Short of Transformative

BASF CAMPAIGN: Nothing Short of Transformative

Supported by matching grants from the San Diego Foundation and two other supporters which were met by BASF donors in February 2025, the Five-Year BASF Campaign is well underway. The campaign will enable BASF to expand a growing and successful scholarship and academic achievement program, one that is making a difference on the UC San Diego campus, in the lives of our Scholars and their families, and in the communities they contribute their talents to as a result of their outstanding education at UC San Diego.



The successful and growing BASF Scholarship Program is beginning to reach a scale that is
impactful on the campus and in the larger community. NOW, the need is to make this growth and
its positive impact sustainable.


Overall Goal: 

  • From 2024 through 2029 the endowment will grow by $10M to enable full funding of new and continuing scholars.


Recent Successes in attracting endowment and annual funding support:

  • A $500,000 matching grant from the San Diego Foundation to support BASF endowment growth
  • A $100,000 matching grant from two alumni families
  • A direct grant of $100,000 from the Weil Family Foundation

Other significant gifts: 

  • A 5-year $500,000 gift for incoming first-year scholars
  • A 5-year $585,000 gift for BASF scholars in engineering
  • $1.5 Million from over 200 donors, including alumni, campus staff and faculty,
    community members and BASF Board members



Become a Legacy Donor and Create a Lifelong Scholarship in your name! 

  • A $1,000,000 gift will annually fund 16 endowed $2,500 scholarships indefinitely  
  • A $ 500,000 gift will fund 8 endowed scholarships indefinitely 
  • A $250,000 gift will fund 4 endowed scholarships indefinitely 
  • A $125,000 gift will fund 2 endowed scholarships indefinitely.


Become a Supporting Donor and help us make 2024 the best year in BASF History of Giving!

  • A $25,000 gift will grow the endowment or fund ten $2,500 scholarships 
  • A $10,000 gift will grow the endowment or fund four $2,500 scholarships. 
  • A $2,500 gift will fund one $2,500 scholarship.

Truly, your gift of any amount will support the continued success of African American students at UCSD!  

To learn more about becoming a supporter please contact us to receive a package with information.